Monthly Archives: October 2023
What Is Cap Rate in Real Estate? How Much You’ll Earn On an Investment
Cap rate, or capitalization rate, is the ratio of a property’s net income to its purchase price. It’s an essential number for gauging a property’s rental income potential. Many new real estate investors, for instance, assume that as long as their renters are paying more than their mortgage on the property, they’re golden. But that’s not the case. You also have to factor in your investment dollars, taxes, and other variables. That’s what cap rate does in one fell swoop. Read More
Unmasking Scary Myths about Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC]
Some Highlights Here’s what you really need to know about a few myths causing fear in today’s housing market. Despite common misconceptions, many people can buy a home even if they have student loans, home prices are rising nationally (not falling), and you usually don’t have to have 20% for a down payment. If you have other fears or reservations about buying a home today, get in touch... Read More
Invest in Yourself by Owning a Home
Are you wondering if it makes sense to buy a home right now? While today’s mortgage rates might seem a bit intimidating, here are two compelling reasons why it still may be a good time to become a homeowner. Read More
The Risks of Selling Your House on Your Own
is housing market and understand the art of pricing a home to sell today. Unfortunately, homeowners who sell on their own often lack this all-important experience. That can lead to two common consequences: overpricing or underpricing the house. Read More
The Perks of Selling Your House When Inventory Is Low
When you’re selling something, it helps if what you’re selling is in demand, but is also in low supply. Why? That makes it even more desirable since there’s not enough to go around. That’s exactly what’s happening in the housing market today. There are more buyers looking to buy than there are homes for sale. Read More
Understanding the Benefits of Owning Your First Home
Are you considering buying your first home? If so, it can be helpful to know what led other people to make that decision. Read More
Key Skills You Need Your Listing Agent To Have
Selling your house is a big decision. And that can make it feel both exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking. But the key to a successful sale is finding the perfect listing agent to work with you throughout the process. A listing agent, also known as a seller’s agent, helps market and sell your house while advocating for you every step of the way. Read More
Growing Your Net Worth with Homeownership
Take a moment to imagine where you want to be in a few years. You might be thinking about your job, money, wanting more stability, or goals you want to reach soon. Is homeownership a part of that vision? If it is, you should know owning a home has a whole lot of financial benefits. Read More